Thursday, November 10, 2011


I also learned about perseverance. The movie said that no matter how many times you get turned down by a person that is won't determine the out come or your future. It said that the person that wrote the book  Roots got turned down 205 times by publishers but never stop his dream of publishing his book. And after 4 years the book finally got published. So the movie taught me to NEVER give up on you dreams and to always persevere through any situation because no one can stop you but you.

Feed Back

The topic of the movie today was feed back. And   I learned that you have to learn to take positive and negative feed back because it teaches you what you did right and what you can work on. I also learned that all feed back is not going to be good and that you have to learn to deal with it and don't let it determine your future or were you want to go in life. I believe that feed back is a was you allow a person to know how good they are and how good they can possibly be.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This section of the video we learned that you have to visualize what you want to do then make it happen. I also learned to set goals that will blow your mind. Meaning always set goals that a big to hold yourself at a higher standard than you could visualize. I believe that the video is correct because so many times I see people settle for lesser goals and never set and visualize what they want to do. And in the end they are always saying I could have instead of I did. So I believe that their were a lot of life lessons learned in this section of the video and still is more to learn.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Making My Dreams Come Through part 2

I learned from this movie that no matter how many times you get turned down you have to just get up one more time. I leaned from the man that wrote the Chicken Noodle Soup book that he got turned down133 times by publishers in New York but he persevered and finally found a willing publisher. He also said that no one can do your push ups you have to do them your self. From This video I learned that you always have to go for what you want and never give up no matter what drama nor obstacles may come your way.